Office Closures

Due to anticipated dangerous road conditions caused by winter weather in Central Texas, the RRC's WBT and Promentory Point buildings, as well as the Houston and San Antonio Offices, will be closed on Tuesday, January 21. Employees are working from home. For oil and gas or pipeline emergencies, Call toll-free at 844-773-0305.

RRC Accepting Applications for Texas Hydrogen Production Council Membership

August 14, 2023

The Railroad Commission of Texas is accepting applications for membership on the Texas Hydrogen Production Policy Council (Council), which was created in House Bill 2847 passed by the 88th Legislature (Regular Session). The deadline to submit applications is Tuesday, September 5, 2023.

The Council’s duties include, but are not limited to:

  • studying the development of hydrogen industries in Texas;
  • monitoring regional efforts for the application and development of a regional clean hydrogen hub authorized under the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act;
  • developing a state plan for hydrogen production oversight by the RRC; and
  • making recommendations to the Legislature on legislative changes needed for the oversight and regulation of production, pipeline transportation, and storage of hydrogen.

The bill requires the RRC to appoint no more than 11 members to the Council, with at least three, but not more than five, representatives from the hydrogen industry. The chair of the Council will be the Chairman of the RRC or their designee.

The application for membership to the Council and attachments need to be emailed to, with "Application" in the subject line.

The application is available for download on the RRC website at
